EOL Products
VL160 - USB-C™ 2:4 Data Switch with CC Function for USB 3.1
EOL Products
VL160 is USB Type-C 2:4 differential channels mux switch and integrated CC logic function for USB 3.1 type-C application, for mux switch signal performance supports up to USB 3.1. VL160 integrated internal power switch support Vconn 5V supply and with over current protection, and using QFN-28 3.5x4.5mm Green package. |
Block Diagram
Key Features
4:2 USB Type-C Data Switch
2 Differential Channel, 2:1 MUX/DeMUX
Low power consumption with 0.5mA active and 4uW shutdown
High DC common mode voltage supporting to 2.2V
28 pins QFN 3.5 x 4.5mm package
ESD > 4KV, CDM > 500V
- Insertion loss: 1.5dB @ 5GHz typ.
- Return loss: 15dB @ 5GHz typ.
- Crosstalk Isolation: 30dB @ 5GHz typ.
- Off Isolation: 15dB @ 5GHz typ.
CC Functional
- Define Role: Device (UFP, default) or Host (DFP)
- Plug Orientation: Flipped or Not, and control Switch SEL
- (UFP) Current Capability Detect: 3.0A, 1.5A, or 0.9A
- (UFP) Rd
- (DFP) VBUS_EN to turn on Host VBUS SW
- (DFP) Rp (or Ip), Vconn SW if Ra
- 5V, max Power is 1W, max current is 250mA
- Over current protection